

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Is the 11th Dimension 'God' ?

Watch these two videos first:



the universal FORMULA is: POINT, LINE,SPLIT, FOLD (AKA POINT) - repeat unto infinity

1) Dimension 0: is a point for dimension 1(1D)

2) Dimension 1: is a line or a time motion of all possible points from one point to another

3) Dimension 2: is a split line or a plane or a (Conscious Observer Creates Motion? 1 ) or a time motion of lines or a Plane from one line to another

4) Dimension 3. is a fold or a time motion of planes or a cube created from moving from from one plane to another (3D)

5) Dimension 4. is a LINE or a time motion of planes or a tesseract ((3d cube) rotating in time) OR a snake/line - a conscious being experiencing TIME (or the big bang extending to the end of our universe) showcasing all possible initial conditions to all possible endings.

6) Dimension 5. is a SPLIT line or a time motion of decisions (Conscious Observer Creates Motion? 2 ) - a conscious observer splitting time into a particular path OR (a snake life story splitting) into another snake life story when a decision is made.

7) Dimension 6. A FOLD OR a point for dimension 7 - all possible paths being considered a single universe (infinity) -condensed into a single point

8) Dimension 7. a Line - all possible timelines of all possible universes(infinity) leading to all possible endings another universe (infinity 2 with different laws for gravity and magnetism), constituting a multi-verse (OR - all possible timelines from big bang to infinite state of universe with different laws)

9) Dimension 8. a Split or (Conscious Observer Creates Motion? 3) plane of all possible universes leading to another plane of all possible universes - all possible soap bubbles leading to all possible soap bubbly futures would make a plane of multi-verses

10) Dimension 9. a Fold or a point for dimension 10- a time motion of soap bubble universes

11) Dimension 10 a Line or a time motion for Infinity (all possible timelines of all possible soap bubble universes) leading to all possible endings of these universes with different soap bubble collision iterations (infinity 2^2)

12) Dimension 11. a Split or (Conscious Observer Creates Motion? 4)

we can imagine 10 dimensions, but when we come to the 11th, we need a being capable of splitting all possible universes into another set of something else. If we imagine all possible universes to be contained within a 10 dimensional being we get the 10 dimensional beings 'life' which is the 11th dimension - his journey of all possible universes into evolving all possible universes through a higher 'time' dimension. BAZINGA For lack of a better word - is the 11th dimensional being a conscious observer we would call 'God'?