

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Mind Trap

A while back, Time Magazine published an article on a new revelation in brain mapping. Their test subject was a woman who was in a "vegatative" state. it was initially thought that her concious mind was inactive, and that she was in a permanent subconcious state. They conducted an experiment with electrodes connected to monitor neural flux to map the brain...the results were terrifying. It turns out, when she was told to imagine playing tennis, parts of her brain related to motion were active, and certain other memories made the brain respond differently. This woman was Concious. But she was a vegetable. She was living in a Mind-Trap. The worst imaginable condition. Imagine being alive, but being trapped in the depths of your own mind. You can hear people, you can think. But you cannot move or respond in any way. Like a Prison for the concious mind. A science fiction story "The Jaunt" by stephen king explores the possibility of the concious mind being trapped for an eternity without the body.,%20Stephen/The%20Jaunt.doc
would the mind be able to live alone, without any sensonary output, while being able to have all kinds of sensonary input? An absolutely terrify though.


Adi said...

OYE!! You were supposed to have lent me that article to read..... When can i have it??

An Image said...

HI..remember me?? lol!!...signed into my old blogger account after ages and came across ur comment...he he wow..didnt know u had an active blog, infact really liked ur work!! keep it up...